Most of us receive marriage proposal once in our life and it's a cherished aspiration of all to make it memorable, special and want them to be the perfect point of culmination in our relationships. Men and women both want this special day to be an unforgettable event in their lives. There are yet some conventional forms of proposals of marriage that men take on and it still works quite competently. Though they can be termed as some typical kinds of proposals yet they are known to have purchased a status of pre-eminence among young couples. But then again, proposing is an art and it to a great extent depends on the skill and humor of the person wooing you. While placing a proposal, he must reckon the kind of person you are in his mind along with a fine articulation. This is indeed a very special event and it should be done in a cozy manner. Extravagance has no place in matters of heart. A little bit of humor with loads of pampering will do wonder and make the day a miraculously fantastic one.
The traditional well known kind of proposing your lady stills rocks the urban generation. The man kneels down and then takes out a ring which may worth a month's salary and asks his lady love whether he can have the honor to spend his entire life with her. Though begun in olden days yet it sways the current troop more than the ancient age.
But these days' women want to be mesmerized with emotion, romanticism and originality. More than a lavish dinner, a bottle of champagne and an expensive ring, what matters most is those golden words of heart uttered by her sweetheart. If your girl is a sporty type, you can add some thrills to your proposal skill. Go to the extreme to make her feel overjoyed with happiness. Climb a mountain and throw your proposal from there after a day of rock climbing. Other heady and flighty kind would be during a parachute jump or under-water diving session in South America or anywhere else in that matter.If your beloved prefers solitude and serenity, then you can record your proposal in a video tape and watch it with her. She will jump with joy and this will make her feel overtly elated. Even if you are not watching it with her, after checking it out she'll certainly place you a call or may be at your door giving you a warm hug.
Public display of affection can also prove to be a fruitful one if you are too much shy and reclusive to ask your beloved if she is willing to marry you. You can do it by having the captain of the aircraft recite the lines to your beloved on behalf of you. You can then only hope for a 'Yes' and a safe landing.Another affectionate method of placing your marriage proposal is to ask her to marry you on her birthday. She can't let it go unnoticed because it's her birthday and also you didn't forget to get a cozy gift for her. Your proposal together with the wonderful gift will make her fly high and give you her assent then and there.Reach the peak of adventure. Make a real cop to pull your girlfriend and hand over to her a love ticket. It's not only a staggering but also a very original way to place a proposal in front of your girlfriend and ask her to marry you. Just make sure you have some terrific parking tickets with you in advance.
Add some enthusiasm to your proposal technique. You can post your dedication to radio city and make the radio jockey ask your girlfriend if she will marry you. But you have to know which show is religiously liked and listened by your beloved. A good follow up would be if you place a call to her at that time and take notice of her reaction instantly. You can have her answer as well. If you want to be more personal and direct in your approach, you can just choose to throw your proposal live on air claiming that you want to marry her.
Try out something terrific and enchant your girlfriend. Take her to some active game sections though she might feel a bit turned off at this idea in the beginning. But imagine when you will ask her to marry you on bended knees during the lucky 7th inning intermission and will have the stadium big screen focused on you. This is an excellent way to have thousands of people witness your display of love and it itself is an appealing gesture.
The list is by no means an exhaustive one but every day the urban youth come up with more innovative ideas about how to propose. You can choose your own way or proposing your beloved deeming the nature of your love in mind but the only thing you have to worry about afterwards is whether she will say 'yes' or 'no'. Follow these exquisite ideas and enliven the whole air of your proposal act leading it to an eternal success.